(n.) One of the Ophidia; a snake or serpent.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the Ophidia; belonging to serpents.
n. one of the true serpents in which the ribs are the only organs of locomotion.—adjs. Ophid′ian Ophid′ious pertaining to serpents: having the nature of a serpent.—ns. Ophidiā′rium a place where serpents are confined; Ophiog′raphy the description of serpents; Ophiol′ater a serpent-worshipper.—adj. Ophiol′atrous.—n. Ophiol′atry serpent-worship.—adjs. Ophiolog′ic -al.—ns. Ophiol′ogist one versed in ophiology; Ophiol′ogy the study of serpents; Oph′iomancy divination by serpents.—adjs. Ophiomor′phic Ophiomor′phous having the form of a serpent; Ophioph′agous feeding on serpents.—n. Oph′ite one of a Gnostic sect who worshipped the serpent.