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(a.) Having the form of a tooth; toothlike.

(a.) Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process.



adj. tooth-shaped: tooth-like.—ns. Odontal′gia Odontal′gy toothache.—adj. Odontal′gic.—n. Odontī′asis the cutting of the teeth.—adj. Odon′tic dental.—n. Odon′toblast a cell by which dentine is developed.—adjs. Odon′tocete toothed as a cetacean; Odontogen′ic.—ns. Odontog′eny the origin and development of teeth; Odontog′raphy description of teeth.—adjs. Odontolog′ic -al.—ns. Odontol′ogist one skilled in odontology; Odontol′ogy the science of the teeth; Odontolox′ia irregularity of teeth; Odontō′ma a small tumour composed of dentine.—adjs. Odon′tomous pertaining to odontoma; Odontoph′oral Odontoph′oran.—n. Odon′tophore the radula tongue or lingual ribbon of certain molluscs.—adjs. Odontoph′orous bearing teeth; Odontostom′atous having jaws which bite like teeth.—ns. Odontotherapī′a the treatment or care of the teeth; Odon′trypy the operation of perforating a tooth to draw off purulent matter from the cavity of the pulp.



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