
[trəʊp] or [trop]


(noun.) language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense.

手打:弗拉德--From WordNet


(n.) The use of a word or expression in a different sense from that which properly belongs to it; the use of a word or expression as changed from the original signification to another, for the sake of giving life or emphasis to an idea; a figure of speech.

(n.) The word or expression so used.



n. (rhet.) a word or expression changed from its proper sense for emphasis a figure of speech—-metaphor metonymy synecdoche and irony: a short cadence peculiar to Gregorian melodies—also Differentia and Distinctio: formerly a phrase occasionally interpolated in different parts of the mass: (geom.) the reciprocal of a node.—adj. Trō′pical figurative.—adv. Trō′pically.—n. Trō′pist one who uses tropes or who explains Scripture by them.—adjs. Trōpolog′ic -al expressed or varied by tropes or figures.—adv. Trōpolog′ically.—v.t. Tropol′ogise to use as a trope.—n. Trōpol′ogy a tropical or figurative mode of speech: a treatise on tropes: that interpretation of Scripture which reads moral meanings into any and every passage.



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