
['gær(ə)ntɪ] or ['gærənti]


(n.) In law and common usage: An undertaking to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some contract or duty, of another, in case of the failure of such other to pay or perform; a guarantee; a warranty; a security.

(n.) In law and common usage: To undertake or engage that another person shall perform (what he has stipulated); to undertake to be answerable for (the debt or default of another); to engage to answer for the performance of (some promise or duty by another) in case of a failure by the latter to perform; to undertake to secure (something) to another, as in the case of a contingency. See Guarantee, v. t.



v. a. (Law.) Warrant, GUARANTEE.



n. a warrant or surety: a contract to see performed what another has undertaken: the person who makes such a contract one responsible for the performance of some action the truth of some statement &c.—v.t. to undertake that another shall perform certain engagements: to make sure:—pr.p. guarantee′ing; pa.p. guaranteed′.—n. Guar′antor one who makes a guaranty.—Guarantee associations joint-stock companies on the insurance principle which become security for the integrity of cashiers &c.



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