
['benziːn] or ['bɛnzin]


(noun.) a colorless liquid hydrocarbon; highly inflammable; carcinogenic; the simplest of the aromatic compounds.

整理:马库斯--From WordNet


(n.) A volatile, very inflammable liquid, C6H6, contained in the naphtha produced by the destructive distillation of coal, from which it is separated by fractional distillation. The name is sometimes applied also to the impure commercial product or benzole, and also, but rarely, to a similar mixed product of petroleum.



n. a compound of carbon and hydrogen discovered by Faraday in 1825 in a tarry liquid resulting from the distillation of oil. It is found amongst the products of the destructive distillation of a great many organic bodies but the most abundant source is coal-tar. It must not be confounded with benzine or benzoyl which names have at different times been used for benzene.—Ben′zine is the name given to a distillate from American petroleum which is much used as a substitute for turpentine and for dissolving oils and fats; Ben′zoyl is the commercial name applied to a mixture of substances including benzene and its homologues.—Ben′zol is synonymous with benzene while Ben′zoline is a name applied to benzine and impure benzene indiscriminately.



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