(noun.) a system of philosophical and theological doctrines composed of elements of Platonism and Aristotelianism and oriental mysticism; its most distinctive doctrine holds that the first principle and source of reality transcends being and thought and is naturally unknowable; 'Neoplatonism was predominant in pagan Europe until the 6th century'; 'Neoplatonism was a major influence on early Christian writers and on later medieval and Renaissance thought and on Islamic philosophy'.
录入:弗农--From WordNet
(n.) A pantheistic eclectic school of philosophy, of which Plotinus was the chief (A. D. 205-270), and which sought to reconcile the Platonic and Aristotelian systems with Oriental theosophy. It tended to mysticism and theurgy, and was the last product of Greek philosophy.
n. a system of philosophy combining Platonic and Oriental elements originating with Ammonius Saccas at Alexandria in the 3d century developed by Plotinus Porphyry Proclus &c.—adj. Neoplaton′ic.—n. Neoplā′tonist.