


(v. i.) To move the lips with the mouth closed; to mumble, as in sulkiness.

(v. i.) To talk imperfectly, brokenly, or feebly; to chatter unintelligibly.

(v. i.) To cheat; to deceive; to play the beggar.

(v. i.) To be sullen or sulky.

(v. t.) To utter imperfectly, brokenly, or feebly.

(v. t.) To work over with the mouth; to mumble; as, to mump food.

(v. t.) To deprive of (something) by cheating; to impose upon.



v.t. and v.i. to mumble mutter or move the lips with the mouth almost closed: to nibble: to cheat: to play the beggar.—ns. Mump′er one who mumps: an old cant term for a beggar; Mump′ing-day St Thomas's Day 21st Dec.—adj. Mump′ish having mumps: dull: sullen.—adv. Mump′ishly.—n. Mump′ishness.—n. Mumps a contagious non-suppurative inflammation of the parotid and sometimes of the other salivary glands: gloomy silence.



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