[ə'fɪlɪeɪt] or [ə'fɪlɪet]
(noun.) a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization; 'network affiliates'.
(noun.) a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization.
(verb.) join in an affiliation; 'The two colleges affiliated'; 'They affiliated with a national group'.
杰罗姆录入--From WordNet
(v. t.) To adopt; to receive into a family as a son; hence, to bring or receive into close connection; to ally.
(v. t.) To fix the paternity of; -- said of an illegitimate child; as, to affiliate the child to (or on or upon) one man rather than another.
(v. t.) To connect in the way of descent; to trace origin to.
(v. t.) To attach (to) or unite (with); to receive into a society as a member, and initiate into its mysteries, plans, etc.; -- followed by to or with.
(v. i.) To connect or associate one's self; -- followed by with; as, they affiliate with no party.
v. a. [1]. Adopt, treat as one's own child.[2]. Connect, associate, unite, join, bring into close relation.
SYN:Annex, graft, incorporate, unite, adopt, inoculate
ANT:Dismember, disannex, disaffiliate, sever, transplant, separate, disjoin,disunite
v.t. to receive into a family as a son or into a society as a member: to attach to or connect with as minor colleges with a university: to impute paternity to to attribute to to father on or upon.—n. Affiliā′tion the act of receiving into a family or society as a member: (law) the assignment of an illegitimate child to its father the assignment of anything to its origin.