


(noun.) study of fluids in motion.

录入:帕特里斯--From WordNet


(n.) That branch of the science of mechanics which relates to fluids, or, as usually limited, which treats of the laws of motion and action of nonelastic fluids, whether as investigated mathematically, or by observation and experiment; the principles of dynamics, as applied to water and other fluids.



n.pl. used as sing. the science that treats of the motions and equilibrium of a material system partly or wholly fluid called Hydrostatics when the system is in equilibrium Hydrokinetics when it is not.—adjs. Hydrodynam′ic -al.—n. Hydrodynamom′eter an instrument for measuring the velocity of fluid in motion by its pressure.—adj. Hydroelec′tric pertaining to electricity generated by the escape of steam under high pressure.—n. Hy′dro-extract′or an apparatus for removing moisture from yarns cloths &c. in process of manufacture.



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